Connecting to a Remote Server through SSH

SSH (Secured Shell) is a program for accessing and managing remote machines. It is intended to provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network.

In this article, we will refer to the machine initiating the SSH connection as the local or client system and the device on the receiving end as the server or remote machine.

Note that the installation commands may be different based on the system you are running. Nevertheless, it should be easy to tweak these commands on Linux and MacOS.

  1. Install an OpenSSH Client on the Local Machine
  • Check if the SSH client is installed by running ssh on the terminal.
  • If the OpenSSH client is not installed, you can install it using the line
sudo apt install openssh-client
  1. Install an OpenSSH Server on the Remote System
  • Check if OpenSSH Server is installed by running ssh localhost.

  • If the server is not installed, you will see something like this:

    ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused

  • If the server is not installed on the remote, you can install it using the following line

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Note: If you intend to connect to and from the remote machine, you should install OpenSSH Client and OpenSSH Server on the local and remote machines.

  1. Verify that OpenSSH Server is running (by default, it should be running after installation)
  • Run sudo service ssh status
  • If the server daemon is not running, you can restart it with,
sudo service ssh restart
  1. Get the IP address of the remote machine using the sudo ifconfig -a command. (You may need to install net-tools if ifconfig is not found: sudo apt install net-tools)

Getting Remote IP

  1. Connect via SSH
  • General syntax to connect: ssh your_username@host_ip_address

Connecting to the Remote via SSH

  1. Allow SSH to establish the connection via firewall using UFW.
    • Install UFW: sudo apt install ufw,
    • Check if UFW is running: sudo ufw status,
    • Start UFW: sudo ufw enable,
    • When the VPS is set up for IPv6, make sure to confirm that UFW is set up to handle IPv6 as well: sudo nano /etc/default/ufw,
    • Allow SSH: sudo ufw allow ssh or sudo ufw allow 22/tcp,
    • The TCP protocol facilitates the communication on port 22 with this instruction. Allow TCP to connect using sudo ufw allow 2222/tcp
    • Revoke permission for SSH: sudo ufw delete allow ssh. The same can be done for TCP.

Every time you SSH to a remote server, you will be required to input the password for the remote machine as a form of authentication. Another way of authentication is to use SSH Keys.

Generating SSH Keys

Generate SSH Keys of RSA type and 4096 bytes in size by running the command

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

You can accept the defaults and set the passphrase if you want (keep the passphrase safe).

At this point, you can then copy the contents of and share them as needed for verification. You can do the copying manually or use the following commands.

ls ~/.ssh
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -sel  clip

Using SSH Key-Based Authentication

This Section discusses how to use the SSH Keys you generated above for authentication instead of using a password every time we SSH to a server.

  1. [On the local] After generating the SSH Keys in the previous Section, you will have a .ssh folder in the home directory with two files:
    • id_rsa - This is a private key. DO NOT SHARE IT.
    • - The associated public key. This is the key you should be sharing for authentication.
  2. [On the remote] Make a .ssh folder on the remotes’s home directory (if it does not exist already).
  3. Copy the public key on the local machine into the .ssh folder in the remote. You can rename it in the process (recommended).
scp ~/.ssh/  koech@

The command above copied as to the remote machine with the user name koech and IP as

To complete steps 4 and 5, you need to SSH into the remote machine (at this point, you have to use the password) using the ssh username@remove_ip command, for example, ssh koech@

  1. [On the remote] Copy the content of the file copied in (3) into another file named authorized_keys (don’t name that file any other way) by running
cd ~/.ssh/
cat >> authorized_keys

You can check that the keys were correctly copied by running:

cat authorized_keys
  1. [On the remote] Run the following commands on the .ssh folder

chmod 700 path/to/ssh_folder

chmod 600 path/to/ssh_folder_contents

that is,

chmod 700 .
chmod 600 *

At this point, you should be able to SSH into the remote machine without a password.